
Marriage Works

Marriage Works

Marriage Works Next month Emily and I will be celebrating 15 years of marriage. An amazing accomplishment for a guy like me. Considering how different we are from one another, it’s even more astounding… She’s a “do it right now,” kind of personality. I’m a procrastinator.  Her family owned a business.  I grew up in a lower middle class home. …

I Do

I Do

Recently I attended a wedding.  Even though it was the wedding of a close relative, and I was extremely happy for the couple, the thing that I enjoyed the most during the wedding was sitting really close to my wife and remembering our special day. Every wedding I have ever attended (unless I was just not paying attention) included those…


Contact info

(618) 564-2264
4th & George St Brookport, Illinois

Gathering Times


10:045am, 6:00pm